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DR MELODY JANEWAY brushed her hands apprehensively down her calf-length blue skirt and ensured her embroidered white blouse was tucked neatly into the waistband Next, she s her hair was still secured in the clip at the nape of her neck She was ready to nitary

Melody started to pace in front of her desk, taking deep breaths ‘Cool, calm and collected’ She whispered her mantra in an effort to calm her nerves When the intercoht She pressed the button ‘Yes, Rick?’

‘The delegation is here’

‘Show them in, thank you’ She closed her eyes for a millisecond How had she ever let herself be talked into this job? Acting head of the orthopaedic department? It was ridiculous Not that she minded the administrative side, buthost to delegates, weren’t her cup of tea She was a doctor, not a tour guide!

Melody opened her eyes at the sound of her office door opening Should she be sitting behind her desk? Would that look more official? Oh, well It was too late to move so instead she stood like a statue in the e office with a fake smile pasted onto her face

The s up at a eous brown eyes she’d ever seen He was tall—a lot taller than she’d expected Probably about six feet three inches His hair was a rich dark brown, rey at the temples

‘I’e Wilmont’ He extended his hand as he walked towards her

‘Welcome, Professor Wilmont’ She quickly recovered her co at the man ‘I’m Melody Janeway’ She placed her hand in his, the touch sending a jolt of electrifying tingles up her ar not only her hand but the rest of her as well

She’d been unprepared for such a reaction to this stranger, especially as he held her hand for a fraction of a second longer than was necessary Melody felt soaze locked with hers and she saw a flicker of surprise register in his eyes before they both dropped their hands and took a small step backwards

Whoa! What on earth was that? According to the dossier she had on him as part of the preparation information for this tour, he was ato regain her composure ‘Uh…welcome to St Aloysius Hospital, Professor Wilmont’

He cleared his throat ‘Please, call e’

She nodded ‘I’ or asking if I can carry a tune, the answer is yes I sing very well and often in key’

George smiled at her attempt at humour, a real smile, not a polite I’m a professional type of slint of merriment They stared at each other for what see by, yet in reality it was no h to e’s lips and he shifted back again, as though needing to put even more distance between them

‘Melody Janeway, allow e introduced the people ere responsible for helping hi orthopaedic surgeon, George had been touring the world for almost twelve months and had now returned to his homeland of Australia He had two administrative assistants, one research assistant, one technical consultant and a personal aide

Melody’s own PA, Rick, was hovering by the door She beckoned him in and introduced him ‘Rick and I are both at your service this week If there’s anything you need to know or can’t find, please don’t hesitate to ask’ Melody addressed the group as she spoke but her gaze kept returning to George

‘Thank you,’ he responded, save herself a uess we should enda?’

For the past few months, information had been eanisers and Rick, ensuring operating theatres and lecture halls were booked, as well as confirhout this week, Melody’s job was to be the official representative for St Aloysius Hospital, to be the master of ceremonies at some events, or to simply be there to field questions and introduce Professor Wil, arduous week and if there had been any changes to the agenda, it was best to find out now, rather than at the last minute