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He looked half-hungover with his hair rumbled, clothes wrinkled, and I suspected bloodshot eyes behind his sunglasses Sin hadn’t gone out and bought the things he had always hoped to own one day Instead, he’d been drinking and partying his way through his cut of our deal
“I would
n’t say that to her face, but yeah” I stepped back as the elevators opened and about ten people filed out
Sin and I both got on just as Cash walked into the building
“Hold the elevator, fuckers”
Knowing Sin wouldn’t hold the door for a little old lady, let alone Cash, I putCash jogged to catch up, and once he was inside, I released the door
There wasn’t much room to move Sin didn’t seem to care as he used the wall to hold hiainst soed woman in a prim dress
I snorted as the woman hesitantly touched Cash’s chest, aluy in an old T-shirt with hard ed for help, but I couldn’t do h at his dilemma He had asked ot molested because of it
The fifth floor was the first stop, and Cash actually let out a relieved breath as the three of us stepped off the elevator
“Did she lick you?” Sin asked with a rare grin as we headed for the desk and the security guard sitting behind it
Cash grunted “Don’t Just don’t”
Sin shotas we approached the uard Emmie was almost anal about her security, not that I could blauys she hired were beasts TheyThisso much as a flick of an eyelash that he was actually human and not a robot
Sin thrust his hands into his jeans pockets, and we both looked at Cash Of the three of us, Cash was the diplomatic one
“I’m Cash Graves This is Tate Sinclair and Kale Conway We have an appointroup”
The guard eyed the three of us up and down for a longthe clipboard in front of him It couldn’t have been the e looked that made him question ere People caner clothes and raggedy jeans and T-shirts, and it was usually the ones who looked more like hobos ere uy was just being a prick and playing with us as he took his sweet-ass tio-ahead
“Yeah, sure Go on in,” the guard finally growled
Cash gave hi hi
Nodding at the guard, I followed lass door to Eh, it seemed like complete chaos had descended on the place
“Why are we doing this again?” I heard Gray gru by a table at the back of the first room we had just entered The table was loaded doith breakfast pastries and coffee, neither of which he was touching
Jace lifted ato answer
Tainted Knights’ frontrunner ignoring the guitarist wasn’t so new to any of us Jace and Gray barely tolerated each other for two reasons and two reasons only For the good of the band, and to keep Jace’s sister Kassa happy It was enough, I reasoned, considering those tere the reason we had gotten so far so quickly with Tainted Knights
It was Kassa who answered for her brother “Because Emmie said you have to,” she told him with a pat on the arm
Gray’s entire body see not onlywas definitely up with the uitarist
“So, you’re gonna suck it up and do it”