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“That’s grandpa’s sweet baby girl,” Joseph whispered as he nuzzled his only granddaughter, Jasing at his heart

“Now that grandpa got your daddy and randpa you as an added bonus for Christ Uncle Alex a wife,” he continued talking, while tickling her tummy

“I love you to pieces, Princess and I want a lot of cousins for you running around the house” He continued talking to her as if she understood each and every word he was saying

“I sure didn’t get any thanks froe but of course I’ood woh,” he said He s at Jasmine

“Of course, a little thank you wouldn’t be so bad,” he muttered quietly

“Well, I guess I’ a bit off course here, aren’t I? I’ve found the perfect bride for your Uncle Alex and I have a feeling we’ll see a cousin for you in a year or so” He chuckled as he pictured Alex and Jessica together

Joseph had known Jessica since she was a newborn He knew she and Alex would be perfect together It was si them in the same room so nature could take its course

Joseph thought about Alex’s playboy lifestyle It was tiot married

Joseph loved his first granddaughter so much His heart felt like it would burst when she was in his arrandchildren

“Joseph, did I just hear you plotting with your granddaughter aboutin our son’s life?” Katherine said frouard He could hear the clear disapproval in her tone and knew he’d been caught

“No, not at all dear,” Joseph said, as innocently as he could “Jas she is in our lives,” he finished

Katherine shook her head at her husband as she reached down to take their granddaughter into her arms “Joseph, Jas with you She’s just happy to hear the sound of your voice, no ” All sternness fell from her voice as she held the precious bundle close to her

Katherine didn’t approve of her husband interfering in their children’s lives but she had to ad precious little Jasmine orth the troubles

Joseph sighed at the sight of his beautiful wife holding their granddaughter Life was certainly good “Lucas will be back in a few ed,” Katherine said as she walked from the room

Joseph stood and looked at the picture on his wall “Alex my boy, you are in for a surprise,” Joseph whispered to the frame so his ouldn’t overhear He quietly chuckled to himself as he walked out of the door

Chapter one

“Alex, good to see you,” Joseph said He wrapped his ar him into the den

“Hi Dad, sorry I haven’t made it hoer than I thought Of course, I’ because those beaches are hot and the woh

“Now son, there’sup pretty ladies who don’t have a lick of brains or an ounce of heart,” Joseph admonished

Alex gave a hearty laugh He knew his father wanted him and his brothers all married He wasto do with Lucas’s recent h His wife, Ahter was about the cutest thing there ever was

“Dad, you know I’ to tie the knot I don’t need so a lot of ladies to wine and dine You don’t want to break the hearts of all the single ladies in Seattle, now do you,” Alex asked with far too much confidence, in his father’s opinion?

Joseph kneould take a very strong woured, the right woman wasn’t far away