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Chapter One
London’s Roman Baths
Duchess of Beaumont’s ball to benefit the Baths
June 14, 1784
“The duke must be here so her older sister along like a child with a wheeled toy
“And therefore we have to act like hunting dogs?” Lady Eleanor replied through clenched teeth
“I’m worried that Villiers will leave before we find hiers”
“Lord Killigreould dislike being identified as a dowager,” Eleanor protested “Slon, Anne!”
“Killigrew’s not eligible either, is he? His daughter is at least your age” Her sister turned a corner and peered at a group of nobles He doesn’t seem the type” She set off in the opposite direction
Lord Thrush called after them, but Anne didn’t even pause Eleanor waved helplessly
“Everyone knows that Villiers came to this benefit specifically to meet you,” Anne said “I heard it froht have been civil enough to remain in the open where he could be easily found”
“That would denyjust how desperate I am to meet him,” Eleanor snapped
“No one will think that, not given what you’re wearing,” her sister said over her shoulder “Rest assured: I would be surprised if you attained the label interested, let alone desperate”
Eleanor jerked her hand froown, just say so There’s no need to be so rude”
Anne swung around, hands on her hips “I consider myself blunt, rather than rude It would be rude if I pointed out that at first glance any reasonable gentleman would characterize you as a bacon-faced beldaeable lady”
Eleanor clenched her hands so that she didn’t inadvertently engage in violence “Whereas you,” she retorted, “look as close to a courtesan as Mother would allow”
“May I point out that ht be in order? Your sleeves are elbow-length—with flounces,” Anne added in disgust “No one has worn that style for at least four years Not to ueur, since your hostess requested the costume”
“I aa because I am not a trained spaniel,” Eleanor said “And if you think that one-shoulder style is anyto you than my flounces are to me, you are sadly mistaken”
“This isn’t about me It’s about you You You and the question of whether you’re going to spend the rest of your ti simply because you were spurned in love And if that sentence sounds like a cliché, Eleanor, it’s because your life is turning into one”
“My life is a cliché?” Despite herself, Eleanor felt a tightness in the back of her throat that signaled tears She and Anne had ahts, but she must be out of practice Anne had been est sister still in the nursery, there was no one to torment her on a daily basis
Anne’s face softened “Just look at yourself, Eleanor You’re beautiful Or at least you used to be beautiful, before—”
“Don’t,” Eleanor interrupted “Just don’t”
“Did you take a good look at your hair this evening?”