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For Coco who fights the fight every day

“So, the guys,” he said, looking over at the group of knuckle-headed boys surrounding the bonfire, “think I’in”

I stared at hiic

“They do,” he insisted His tone was a little desperate His dark brown eyes were really desperate

“Justin,” I said “You are a virgin Welcome to the club”

“Shhh!” he hushed me “They could hear you”

“Dude, they know!” I yell-whispered back “It’s not a big deal Losing your V-card takes time, you know”

At least, it had for me I was picky So sue me

Henext tohands wrapped around my calves as he rested his chin onThey talk about sex all the time and I’m just…I don’t know Not ready”

“That’s fair You shouldn’t feel pressured to do so you don’t want to”

“Right,” he said, eyes darting to the ground “It’s just that this coured out where I fall, identity-wise I’d rather wait to make any major announcements”

Justin was my best friend He lived in a small residential community near the beach Traditional Old Kind of poor Pretty religious I felt bad for hi it could be to live here I barely survived it myself when et out when my parents divorced The scrutiny by some of the locals was so bad after my dad bailed and left me and my mom on our own

We tried staying in Oceanside Like, really tried, but this was my dad’s hometown, and when he left and the ru so well…

Yeah, we didn’t last long beforefor a fresh start