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Chapter One
“Another, please,” Autu her elass The older man came over, mixed another fruity alcoholic drink, and refilled her cup
It had been a hell of night Actually, it had been a hell of a month Her father’s notorious bad luck seeet a win lately
First, she lost her mechanic shop—and by proxy, her hoa in a crappy hotel back ho
If that wasn’t enough, lastdecided to dump her because “she just didn’t do it for hi adorably feminine types, and that wasn’t her Never had been That hadn’t stopped her fro to be what he needed and make it work
Turned out she’d wasted the past year with a douche who’d used her for free labor to get hisin more ways than one Pathetic part was, he was the closest thing she’d had to a friend back home
Yet between her own father, and a poor excuse for an ex, Autumn knew better than to expect anyone to choose her—ht of her wellbeing before his own, if her ex would have wanted her for ut wouldn’t sting so bad
Staring into her cocktail, she also realized how alone she was
“Whatever,” she whispered to herself and took a long s of her drink It was alreadyoff her bags in her room, she ca on the next step of her life
She had a place to stay lined up for the next teeks She just had to get through tomorrow first But after that, she’d be fine Sure, she’d lost her home, shop, and boyfriend, but she had prospects for the first two As for the last? She didn’t want a boyfriend Not anymore
It had been athat hurt the ht her worth little oodbye
Whichfro for so-ter-terether
As for short-term? Oh, she was ready to find out how delicious short-term could be
The best way to get over a ht’s mission all the more clear
She’d be locked in this hotel for the next twenty-four hours, and surely there must be someone around to help her relieve a little stress Business was slow at the bar, but there were a few people scattered throughout She’d even seen a few hot guys here and there
Especially one who’d walked through the hallway earlier Everyone else earing button up shirts and slacks, all too stuffy for her taste tonight But this guy was in a T-shirt and jeans, and the tattoos on his biceps were visible from across the room She had half a mind to find him and seduce her way into his bed
She just needed a plan And at least one more drink
“That looks like a sorroning drink,” a sexily deep voice said from behind her “Either that or a broken-hearted drink”
Autumn looked to her left and saw—
Oh my Him Mr Tattooed Biceps himself He took a seat next to her at the bar
His ti her know that as long as she only asked for what she orth, it would be happy to provide
“I’irl,” she said, and then she finished off her drink