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Figlio di un allevatore di maiali
Liam Crowe didn’t speak Italian The nener of the American News Service network could barely order Italian food, and he was pretty sure his Executive Vice President of Community Outreach knew it
Francesca Orr had ency boardHe’d written dohat she’d said—or at least a close enough approximation–in his notebook so he could look it up later The words had fallen from her dark red lips in such a seductive way Italian was a powerful language You could order cheese and it would sound like a sincere declaration of love Especially when spoken by the dark, exotic beauty who’d sat across the table from him
And yet, he had the distinct i to like what she’d said to him
He hadn’t expected taking over the company from Graham Boyle to be a cakewalk The for a phone-hacking scandal that had targeted the president of the United States The first ite had been to suspend ANS reporter Angelica Pierce for suspicion of ressional investigation into the role Angelica h cause for the suspension When Black coation—and hopefully uncovered some hard evidence—Liam and his Board of Directors would determine what additional action to take
He alking into a corporate and political maelstrom, but that was the only reason he had been able to afford to buy controlling stock in the company in the first place ANS was the croel of broadcast media The prize he’d always had his eye on The backlash of the hacking scandal had brought the network and its owner, Graham Boyle, to their knees Even with Grahas for most time slots, Liam knew he couldn’t pass up the opportunity to buy ANS
So, they had ain life was easy, and Liae But he’d certainly hoped that the employees of ANS, and especially his own Board of Directors, would be supportive Froht janitor to the CFO, jobs were on the line Most of the people he spoke to were excited about hi scandal behind them to rebuild the network
But not Francesca It didn’t make any sense Sure, she had a rich and famous movie producer father to support her if she lost her position with ANS, but charity was her job Surely she cared about the e orphans and cancer patients
It didn’t seeh Francesca had sat at the conference roo flame-red suit and lit into him like she was the devil incarnate Liam had been warned that she was a passionate and stubborn woman—that it wouldn’t be personal if they bumped heads—but he wasn’t prepared for this The et to help absorb the losses had sent her on a tirade But they simply couldn’t throw ht financial position
Suffice it to say, she disagreed
With a sigh, Liam closed the lid on his briefcase and headed out of the executive conference room to find some lunch on his own He’d planned to take some of the board members out, but everyone had scattered after the aard ed to keep control of it, enda, but it was a painful process
Oddly enough, the only thing that hadFrancesca herself In a rooray, black and navy suits, Francesca was the pop of color and life Even when she wasn’t speaking, his gaze kept straying back to her
Her hair was ebony, flowing over her shoulders and curling down her back Her almond-shaped eyes were dark broith thick, black lashes They were intriguing, even when narrowed at hiued with hi her flawless tan skin a rosy undertone that seeine red suit and lipstick
Lia for fiery, exotic women He’d had his share of blond-haired, blue-eyed debutantes in private school but when he’d gone off to college, he found he had a taste for wo to ruin his day and potentially his year, would’ve been just the kind of wo gone wrong was so he didn’t need