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Seduce Me Carly Phillips 28210K 2023-08-28



Mallory Sinclair glanced up fro to find her secretary, Paula, standing in the doorway “Sorry, I didn’t hear you knock”

“That’s because I didn’t When the Terminator calls there’s no time to waste Especially if you want ahis lair” Paula, Mallory’s young, beautiful and on-the-prowl secretary, wiggled her eyebrows in a suggestive gesturefor this unexpectedpartner

Mallory reached for a legal pad instead of her purse Though she’d never let her eht years with Waldorf, Haynes, Greene, Meyers & Lathanone head-to-head with senior partners over issues she believed in, and she’d held on to her job when other feetfemale in apartner She hadn’t gotten this far without confrontation and she’d never backed away fro counsel or partner Until now

Because as the top real estate associate, she’d never been summoned by hotshot divorce attorney and partner of the firm, Jack Lathae terood reason

“I could say you’re busy and take notes in your place”

Mallory didn’t miss the hopeful note in her flirtatious secretary’s voice The other wo with Jack Latham He was an office icon—a man adored by women and respected by men

If the grapevine was correct, he neither believed in the institution of e nor the idea of co ht given the chance, she could change his mind

“Thanks for the offer but I’m sure I can handle it” Mallory smiled wryly

Paula shrugged “Too bad I could really use the distraction and give hiet” She hitched her already borderline-trouble skirt hem up another notch

Mallory stifled a laugh Good thing for Jack there was a no-office-romance policy, instituted after an eainst an older partner three years ago The fir partner had retired, and the no-dating rule had gone into effect Women like Paula could drool, but they couldn’t put the moves on any of the male attorneys, and vice versa But rules couldn’t stop the iination and there wasn’t a woal, to the only female associate, who hadn’t fantasized about Jack Latham

The difference between Mallory and the other women in the office was that she didn’t outwardly show interest She couldn’t afford to crack her facade She glanced at Paula who sat twirling a perer, a disappointed look on her face

“If the et down on his hands and knees and thank me,” Mallory said

“I wish he’d get down on those knees forat her watch “You’d better get going He said posthaste or so like that”

“Thanks” Pad under her arm, Mallory headed out of her office and down the hall

She clenched her fists, only to discover she eating Good God, she felt like a teenager in the throes of her first crush and that wouldn’t do Not when she’d done everything she could think of to join the ranks of this old boys’ network and make partner

Including outwardly suppressing her fearters beneath conservative suits, covered her hot-colored pedicures with sensible puernails, and squashed her sense of humor and warmth beneath a no-nonsense personality When she looked in theback

But next year, she’d reap the benefits of her sacrifice: she’d earn both the first female partnership offered at the firotten Mallory instead, would finally see she orthy, despite his belief to the contrary

She inhaled deeply “I’m nearly there,” she purposely said aloud, to remind herself of how hard she’d worked and how far she’d come No ould she let a sumht years in thebreath Yes, she could handle Jack Latham