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Chapter 1 - Roach

“Just fucking die already!” Hulk pinned the elephant-sized cockroach with his boot, and once he leaned all two hundred and sixty pounds of his steroid-purated with a bone-shaking crunch

He raised his hand as if he were expecting a high-five, but Roach felt as dead as the insect under his dad’s boot

“Maybe if you hadn’t left a body in a freezer that isn’t working, ouldn’t have to deal with an infestation”

Hulk shoved at Roach’s chest with his massive paw His biceps were so out of proportion he could have played a 90s co smartass,” he said to Ajax, Roach’s brother and Dad’s chief yes-man “Like I hadn’t told him to bury this sad sack of shit last week”

Roach gritted his teeth and engaged in a staring contest with Hulk because arguing was pointless His dad’s brain had steroid-induced holes, and trying to prove he’d never told Roach about the body was a fool’s ga tofor a scapegoat and Roach had no doubt he'd be it

Ajax scowled at another fat insect zoo job, Roach It’s not that hard You knohere to go”

“Doesn’t have the balls to do it”

Even Roach’s te out your trash for five years now, so shut the fuck up Considering how er not Roach by now!”

Hulk squinted At six-two, Roach was hardly a s on his neck and arainst the wall, as if he were about to torture captured vermin

“What’d you say to me, boy? You’re lucky it’s just us family down here I’d have suys heard you speak to me like that Understood?”

“Yeah,” Roach choked out, catching Ajax sht Because fury focused on hi life