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He did trust her—but the truth would shatter her

So he did the only thing he could do: he lied

“I’m sorry” He wiped the emotion fro in his stomach Could she hear it? The panicked thue, screa at him to stop? “I didn’t want to do it like this, but I don’t think we should see each other anymore”

Farrah’s face paled His heart beat louder


He sed hard “It was fun while it lasted, but the year is almost over and I—I’m not interested anymore I’m sorry”


“You’re lying”

He flinched She knew him well Too well

“I’m not” He tried to sound nonchalant when all he wanted to do was fall to his knees and beg her not to leave him

“You are You said you loved me”

“I lied”

He couldn’t look her in the eyes

Her sharp inhale twisted his heart into a painful knot

“You’re full of shit” Her voice quavered “Look at you, you’re shaking”