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Chapter 1

He’s the worst bachelor ever

Really In the two ht, he’s blown a total of thirteen dates Thirteen! Maybe that doesn’t sound too terrible, but considering his busy schedule, it’s way too many

I shake ly impatient with his date Sure, this is the fourth tiloss at the table, and sure, she kind of has a habit ofall of her statereat and she’s definitely a ten They’re always tens

It’s no surprise, since Warren Knight himself is probably a twelve, and that’s even when he has bed head and a bad attitude

But see, therein lies the probleuy

“So that’s what I did when I got my followers up to ten thousand…”

The girl is droning on and on about her Instagram profile, but Warren looks like he’d rather be at a dentist appointment than on this date And I would know, because I watched hio to the dentist last week, and he seemed like he really enjoyed himself

“So do you wanna get out of here?” the beautiful woman suddenly asks

She’s leaning over, her hand lightly touching the sleeve of his suit jacket He doesn’t even look up fro as he answers her “No”

The wo across her features, but she quickly covers it up with a cool so to Slash?”

Excited, I se closer to thehtclub always has plenty ofIt’s like a cupid’s playground Well, if a cupid were actually good at her job Which I’m not

I try to be good Hell, I try to be great But ht

“No,” Mr Knight says again, finally lifting his head to look at her

When he does that, it al at ht in front of Beautiful Date Number Fourteen So he can’t see ood

Black suit and tie, black hair slightly disheveled, and brown eyes that re of dark stubble, sharp jaw and eyebrows that hover a bit ly over his eyes Plush lips Cheekbones you want to run your hands over, and perfect white teeth you want to lick

He’s even better naked Trust me, I’ve seen him

I look back at the wohtly on her behalf He’s so damn handsome, but at this point, it’s just a detriment to him Apparently, your level of attractiveness also raises your level of rudeness

The wos under the table Her dress hugs her curves to perfection I bet she knows a lot of tricks in bed, but it looks like I won’t be able to find out, because just like his other dates, Mr Knight is cutting things short Too bad, because I’ve becoood show