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'WHAT on earth are you wearing on your head?' Meg Bucknall demanded as she pressed the button for the service lift

Ellie raised a self-conscious hand to the floral scarf which covered her hair 'It'll keep the dust off'

'Since when have you been so fussy?'

Ellie heaved a sigh and decided to be honest with the older wouy who often works late on my floorand, well, he's—'

'Making a nuisance of hihtened with disapproval but she wasn't surprised by the news Even in an overall Ellie would attract keen male at¬tention Fashioned on petite but shapely lines, the young woleareen eyes enhanced by unexpectedly dark brows and lashes 'I bet he thinks he's onto a sure thing with a hu?'

'Young' Ellie stood back to let Meg enter the lift first 'He's really getting onhim to the supervisor'

Meg grimaced 'No, whatever you do, don't make it offi¬cial, Ellie If this lech works late, he must be quite important Let's face it, you're more expendable than some business whizzkid!'

'Don't I know it' Ellie sighed 'It's still a man's world'

'Hefrowned, thinking of how feisty Ellie could be, although nobody would ever think it to look at her 'Look, you do ive you a break Thena per¬manent switch with you'

'But I haven't got security clearance to clean the top floor,' Ellie reminded the older woman reluctantly