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I studied the sche for the best way into the room that held the vault They were extensive, and er cut of the loot for providing me with them

She’d infor a shipment of ten thousand brand new hundred-dollar bills to put into circulation A cool million could set me up quite nicely for a while

The security on the building was decent, although I'd handled their rent-a-cop with a swift fist to the face By the tione The rest of the break-in would be tricky to bypass, but I’d always been a sneaky motherfucker

It was the reason I’d only been caught a few ti B&Es when I was fourteen—for the thrill of it According to the psychiatrist theybored because I was too smart I commented that he clearly didn’t suffer from the same problem

He’d been partly right, but he’dout” I’d been trying to gain the attention of my parents, who’d checked out of h to be self-sufficient Not that they’d been particularly attentive before that, but at least they’d made an effort to take care of my needs

It had never worked, and when I was released frohteen, I came home to discover that they’d sold the house andaddress, so I walked away from that part of my past

My skills as a thief had come in handy after that, and I’d honed them over the years I wasn’t too huood at what I did

So, it didn’t surprisea few safe deposit boxes for goodthat could lead the theft back to me

I climbed into the stolen armored truck that carried the fake cash and drove out of the parking lot Soains in the parking garage of an office building tenit

“Did I beatin hout the whole break-in He’d been my eyes and had disabled some of the security measures remotely

“Two minutes over,” he replied

“Bullshit,” I retorted “That was some of my best work”

Hack snorted “Fine You beat your record by thirty seconds I added the extra time as a handicap because this was too damn easy”