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THE GREEK OIL BILLIONAIRE, Giorgios Letsos was throwing the party of the year at his London town house Yet, instead of socialising, he was answering his eed his every footstep since the news of his divorce became public

‘I heard,’ a female voice murmured outside the library door, which stood ajar after a maid had served her eot rid of her because she did drugs’

‘I heard,’ another voice piped up, ‘that he dumped her back on her father’s doorstep in the s’

‘I heard,’ a third voice interposed,‘that the pre-nup was so tight she didn’t get a cent’

Gio was sardonically auests entertained His cell phone pulsed and he answered it

‘Mr Letsos? It’s Joe Henley froations’

‘Yes?’ Gio asked absently, assuative result, his attention still on his laptop as he mulled over the purchase of another company with the kind of concentration and enjoyment he would never find at any party

‘We’ve found herer, at least I’m ninety per cent certain this time,’ the older et theacross the city in his lier ‘I took a photo and emailed it to you Perhaps you’d like to check it out before we go any further’

We’ve found her Suddenly, Gio was galvanised into action, springing out of his chair to his full i his wide shoulders while he flicked back to the eolden eyes while he identified the right e on the attachment

It wasn’t a great photo but the sure in the floral raincoat was instantly recognisable to his hard, searching gaze Exciteh Gio’s lean, powerful length

‘You will be generously paid for this piece of detection,’ Gio breathed with rare warht disappear at any moment As she had done She had contrived to lose herself so coun to believe that even with all the resources he had at his disposal he would never track her down

‘Where is she?’ he pressed