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Chapter One
Kylee glanced up as the door to Shots opened Her pulse leaped and her legs tightened, ready to run Ice-cold fear engulfed her, twisting her insides andhis orn cowboy hat in greeting before heading to the poker ga place in the back corner He was one of Cutter’s friends, sorip on the counter eased She pulled in a deep breath, then blew it out, steadying herself We’re safe At least she didn’t freeze up anyress
The old roup of men hunched over their beers and several decks of cards A chorus of rough and creaky greetings welcomed the newco to fear there She took a deep breath, a slight smile on her lips
Three wonderfully uneventful weeks had passed since she and her little brother, Shawn, arrived in Stonewall Crossing Each day she woke up anticipating the worst And each night she went to bed happy to be wrong If Jesse or one of his low-life associates really wanted to find her, they would have by now Her gaze wandered to the door again
As if thinking about Jesse would so onto the bar and rubbed vigorously She was sick and tired of ju at her own shadow
“You look ready to bolt” The voice startled her so ood foot into the air
“Dr Boone” She pressed a hand to her chest as she stared at the ainst the end of the bar
“I didn’t mean to sneak up on you” He added, “And it’s Fisher, Kylee Only et to call me Dr Boone”
The thudding of her heart still echoed in her ears “Your patients? As in, the dogs and cats?”
“I speak fluent dog and cat It’s a vet thing” He nodded, not cracking a sh”
She pressed her lips together, fighting a set here?”
Fisher stooped, picking up the rag and handing it to her “I followed Ol’ Pete in”
When she was having ahard to pull herself together The obvious concern on Fisher’s face surprised her She didn’t like it No one had ever worried over her She didn’t need anyone to start now “Beer?” she asked
“Sounds good” He atching her—a little too closely for her liking
She kept her eyes on his beer as she popped the top off a longneck and slid it across the counter toward him “Good day, Doc?” she asked
Sood distraction
“No coed “You?”
“Just starting,” she returned, flipping the switch that powered the wall of fluorescent beer and pool signs The colored lights brightened the room and her mood
The door opened to three wo animatedly