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“Doing her?” Declan replied dryly
His smile widened “Got to say, I’m surprised Rumor had it that you wereuh, how do I put it?”
“Neutered Don’t take it the wrong way, but that’s what I heard That serum you were on before—the shit that kept your vamp side at bay—I heard it fucked with your libido Alondered why you were never that interested in hitting the titty bars with ht?”
Declan glared at hie, worried that there would be a fight between them This was one of Declan’s friends? He sounded like a Grade-A asshole, enough to make my skin crawl
I actually juhed a second later It was a humorless sound
“My sex life is none of your fucking business, Jackson”
“I’ll take that as an affir, too “What about the per you’re on now? Does that—”
“It works the saer than the other one I’et the Nightshade formula out of her blood” Declan’s jaw tensed “That’s all”
“So you’re not fucking her”
“It’s none of your damn business either way But no”
Jackson’s shit-eating grin didn’t waver “But you have No wonder you’re so into this chick Me damn time I bet she’s hot When can I meet her?”
“She’s sleeping”
I pushed open the door, leveling aze with the nosy hunter I’d already decided to dislike “I’m awake now Hard to have an afternoon nap when there’s soaround”
“You heard all that?” Jackson scanned the length of me I’d slept in jeans and a black tank top so I was already fully dressed