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It was a scene out of a nightination and leave Cassa gasping in shock

“We have to find the release,” she screamed in horror as her husband stood beside her, the ca area of the rumored death pit

It was ony and evil that Cassa struggled with the ramifications

A dozen Breeds, nude, tiger stripes glea, lethally sharp blades that played a horrendous game of hide-and-seek with them

Blood sprayed against the steel walls, pooled on the floor beneath the bodies of those who’d had the h And still the others fought to survive and to protect

A savage roar of rage tore froal Breeds dooht to shove the others aside, to save them, to find some way to stop the mechanical thrust and parry that sliced into vulnerable flesh

“Douglas, help me,” Cassa sobbed as her husband stood silent and still, the ca the brutality of the Genetics Council and their so-called progressive training

How had this happened? She flipped a switch and slaers, but the blades continued to slice and dice their way through even more Breeds in their path

The roars of fury crescendoed, the raw ani down her spine as she grabbed her husband’s arm and jerked him toward her

She saw it then Frozen, iaze and the satisfaction on his face

Like a key finally releasing the lock on months of suspicion, Cassa blinked at the truths that finally slaroup of men and women who had come to this small country to find this particular lab and rescue the Breeds here had suffered through too many unfortunate accidents and false trails For days now, the coroup as a whole with icy suspicion Because of one man