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Cass had done very well for herself thanks to hiht months and turnabout was fair play She owed hiuided her at a tiate the shark-infested waters of the cosmetics industry

With any luck, Cass would be curious enough to see hie couldn’t call ahead and lose the advantage of surprise Not when he was here to get his hands on Cass’s secret formula

So secret, he shouldn’t even know about it since it wasn’t on the market yet His sources had whispered in his ear about a miracle formula developed in Fyra’s labs that worked with a body’s natural healing properties to eliminate wrinkles and scars His intel adamantly insisted it was better than his And he wanted it

You didn’t spring that kind of request on anyone over the phone, not even a forht or nine years Nine Maybe it was closer to ten

“Gage Branson To what do I owe the pleasure?”

The husky feed to get ten feet from the Hummer

He spun to face the speaker and did a double take “Cass?”

“Last tilasses covered her eyes, but her tone conveyed a hint of cool aain?”

“No, your face is right where I left it” Gorgeous and attached to a hell of a woman

But this überchic version in five-inch heels and a sexy suit with cutaway panels at her hips did not resemble the Cassandra Claremont who lived in hisabout the way she held herself was very familiar Confidence and the ever-present “look but don’t you dare touch” vibe had always been a huge part of her attractiveness

Obviously he hadn’t changed nized him from behind

“Moving into the dog transportation business, are you?” she asked blithely

He glanced at the Hummer “You mean Arwen? Nah She’s just company for the drive I came up from Austin to see you, actually Surprise”