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February 14, 1921
THE BULLET SLAMMED into his chest with the force of a locoain his footing, only dimly aware of what had just happened to him
The night was cloudy and cold, and had been peaceful until the gunshot shattered the silence Ian Ca, sharing a few ardens while a noisy party raged inside the inn They’d heard a sound froht they couldn’t explain, and Ian had decided to investigate, despite Anna’s s
They had just spotted threeout of the shack, when one of them, his face hidden in shadows, had fired a weapon
Ian’s only clear thought as he cruret that he hadn’t listened to Anna’s warnings His stubbornness had finally gotten hi for years And he’d brought Anna doith him
Anna, he thought as dark clouds seeulf him I’m so sorry I’ve always tried to take care of you… and now I’ve failed
As though froony in her voice as she cried his name “Ian! Oh, God, not’
He wanted to speak, to coiven the chance The soft touch of her tre he knew
October 31, 1960
ONE OF THE BOYS was covered head to toe in a ragged sheet with big, uneven holes cut for eyes The other was a pint-size cowboy in an oversize felt hat, a fake-leather vest with the naers stamped across the back, neatly creased jeans, fancy-stitched boots and a cheap holster sporting two shiny toy guns
The cowboy tugged down the red bandanna that had covered the lower half of his face and gave his sheeted friend a shove “Go on,” he urged “I dare you Unless you’re chicken”
“I ain’t chicken,” the other boy protested “But I don’t want to get in trouble My erous”
His co ahead of therown pathway “You’re scared of the ghosts,” he accused ly
“Am not!” the spook in the sheet shouted “My hosts”
“Yeah? Well, how coo touch the front door, huh? What are you, a sissy?”
“I ain’t a sissy! You call hts out, Calvin Burton”
“Bobby’s a sissy, Bobby’s a sissy,” Calvin sang out in a taunting rhythm
Jerking the sheet off his head, the other boy, his face as red as his hair, doubled his fists and planted his feet belligerently “You’re so brave, you go touch the door,” he dared “And don’t you ever call ain, or I’ll tell Patty O’Neal that you wet the bed”
Calvin paled “You better not tell her that, or I’ll— I’ll—” He couldn’t think of any retribution horrible enough to equal Bobby’s threat
“So go touch the door”
Calvin gulped and glanced again at the inn, which suddenly looked so er Darker “I will if you will”