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Chapter One
Sandwich, Massachusetts
April 1, 1775
Kitty Caainst her stoe of feathers in her yof the parked carriage as fat drops of rain plunked against the glass Tucking a lock of her ard curls around her ear, she exhaled, reviehat had brought her to this moment Perhaps she should have at least tried to send Eliza a note to tell her she was returning Then, for the hundredth time she reminded herself, there hadn’t been time
With God’s grace, they would receive her arrival with jubilation, not woe
She pressed her legs together as the cool air wriggled up her dress Too bad she’d resisted Henry Donaldson’s invitation to wait for him inside the tavern while he conducted his business Whatever he er than she’d expected She shifted in her seat At least it wasn’t Boston Though both Boston and Sandere on the coast, somehow Boston seemed colder With its hoards of homesick soldiers and wild patriots, empty harbors and lonely streets—she couldn’t be ainst theBut it wasn’t the weather that made Boston cold and loveless Without her childhood ho family to warm her spirits, any place would be equally icy The year she’d spent in Boston hadn’t transpired the way she’d anticipated She sat back and released a heavy breath Eliza had been right Soht
Kitty’s shoes tapped the floor and she druainst her knees Where was Henry? Hopefully nothing was a captain in the British Army couldn’t handle himself She rested her head on the cushion behind and pinched her lips in a nervous s out any worry she felt for her friend She stared into the street, past the strea down herWould Eliza and Tholed in her seat Could they see past their differences?
Or would they only see her as a Tory?
Her sree of war back? She toyed with the fabric of her gloves When Henry had learned he had business to attend to in Sandwich, he’d insisted she travel with hiht, though if only she’d—
Just then the door opened and she ju a hand to her chest with a quick inhale Releasing the pinch of sudden tension, Kitty laughed “Oh, Henry, ‘tis you”
Rain dripped off his hat and his warm smile eased around her shoulders, but the tension in his eyes revealed a displeasure he reserved behind his gaze The burden of his position in the arhmonth
“Did I startle you?” Henry’s grin widened, before he cupped his o up the road Take your first left and continue on until you see the house on your right Stop there”
Henry crouched low and stepped in, shutting the door His broad shoulders and long legs filled h it was his strong character that swelled around Kitty,in her fingers
Tossing her a quick look, he re his dark blonde hair pulled in a queue He exhaled and gave her a friendly smirk “Even the driver had the sense to come inside and wait I do hope you weren’t too lonely Or cold”
The carriage lurched forward and Kitty clutched her seat “The silence elcome I had much to contemplate” The pinch in her voice revealed more than she’d intended
“I knohat you entle blue eyes softened, while his brow creased “Boston was far too dangerous, Kitty I care for you as I do my own sisters and I would have advised them to do the same”
The cold rain lashed against theand soht, and I shall always be grateful to you I’m simply unsure what to think I don’t believe the way s to any degree”
Henry’s strong jaw tightened He pulled his lip between his teeth and stared out thea“Ias you do, I see many virtues in what people like your sister and brother-in-law are striving for”
Kitty’s brow shot skyward Such words, especially fro short of treasonous She shook her head with a questioning laugh “Henry what do you mean? You shouldn’t jest in such a way”
“I do not jest” Henry’s expression darkened “I value my position in the army to be sure I need it in fact, to supportBut”
Kitty tipped her head, disbelief knitting her brow “But what?”
He pushed a quick breath froe tottered and swayed “I’ht for their liberty”