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Chapter One


Incarceration day

The clang of the cell door closing behind me is my new harsh reality For one year, three hundred sixty-five days, those doors will be the only friend I have Looking over toon the bottoing me on my perfectly died caraet a week ago

I regret that now

At the time, I’d just wanted my moing bitch I’d become That day openedhurt worse than anything I could iine

Now this bitch is looking atto eat me for breakfast, and sadly, it is probably true I’ other than the cushy life I’ve led

Not saying a word to the other wos onquarters

“You gonna introduce yourself or what, Malibu Barbie?” And so it begins

“Ashley,” I reply, trying to hold back the involuntary sneer that wants to co to be somebody’s bitch

“Barbie’s got ‘tude, d

oes she?” The other woht The proble it to feel me out or to bait me into a confrontation I won’t win

Nine Months to Release

“C’mon, Barbie! Climb that fucker!”

It’s not often that anyone cheers for me in my life Not when I was in school, not when I fucked up, and certainly not since I’ve coet to bust my proverbial balls, never call et

Today, though? Today, they are encouraging me in a team exercise the prison shrink wants us to do

Cli rope

So here I as, wanting to irls that I’ain, I also want to let go so , not to mention, I don’t want to climb my way back down

Sweat is pouring off rip slippery, and just as I’her with one hand,airborne

“Fuuuucckkkkk!” I scream all the way down When I land flat on the mat below, the wind is literally knocked out of h my entire body Even my hair hurts

“Motherfucker!” I wheeze, unable to take a breath

My legs twitch with every ht have broken so to pound Spots blur oes dark

Fuck A?