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The youthful gentleold lace, as seated in theof Lady Worth’s drawing-roo down into the street, ceased for a moress A the passers-by, a Bruxelloise in a black h to be watched the whole way down the street Besides, the conversation in the salon was very dull: just the sa said all over Brussels
‘I own, one can be more comfortable now that Lord Hill is here, but I wish the Duke would come!’
The Bruxelloise had cast a roguish dark eye up at theas she passed; the gentleman in scarlet did not even hear this remark, delivered by Lady Worth in an anxious tone which rave for a minute
The Earl of Worth said dryly: ‘To be sure, my love: so do we all’
Georgiana Lennox, as seated on the sofa with her hands clasped on top of her h, but smiled at the Earl’s words, and reminded him that there was one person at least in Brussels who did not wish for the Duke’s arrival ‘My dear sir, the Prince is in the most dreadful huff! No other word for it! Only fancy! He scolded h I could not trust him to account for Bonaparte, if you please!’
‘Hoard for you!’ said Lady Worth ‘What did you say?’
‘Oh, I said nothing that was not true, I assure you! I like the Prince very well, but it is a little toothe field against Bonaparte Why, what experience has he had? I ht as well consider my brother March a fit coer than the Prince’
‘Is it true that the Prince and his father don’t agree?’ asked Sir Peregrine Taverner, a fair young e silver buttons ‘I heard—’
A pluentleman of cheerful and inquisitive mien broke into the conversation with all the air of an incorrigible gossiplish, of course, and that don’t suit Frog’s notions at all Frog, you know, is what I call the King I believe it to be a fact that the Prince is lish or French than he is in Dutch! I heard that there was a capital quarrel the other day, which ended with the Prince telling Frog in good round ter the English he shouldn’t have had hiland, or have sent hi in the Peninsula Off he went, leaving Papa and Brother Fred without a word to say, and of course poured out the whole story to Colborne I daresay Colborne don’t care how soon he goes back to his regi!’
The Bruxelloise had passed fro left to look at but the pointed gables and nankeen-yellow front of a house on the opposite side of the street Lord Hay, overhearing the last remark, turned his head, and asked innocently: ‘Oh, did Sir John tell you so, Mr Creevey?’
An involuntary smile flickered on Judith Worth’s lips; the curled ostrich pluiana’s h
at quivered; she raised her muff to her face The coinary spectacle of more than six feet of taciturnity in the handso 52nd, unburdening his soul to Mr Creevey
Mr Creevey was not in the least abashed He shook a finger at the young Guards look: ‘Oh, you e all the sources of my information, Lord Hay!’
‘I like the Prince of Orange,’ declared Hay ‘He’s a rattling good fellow’
‘Oh, as to that—!’
Lady Worth, aware that Mr Creevey’s opinion of the Prince would hardly please Lord Hay, intervened with the observation that his brother, Prince Frederick, see man
‘Stiff as a poker,’ said Hay ‘Prussian style They call him the Stabs-Captain’
‘He’s nice enough to look at,’ conceded Lady Georgiana, adjusting the folds of her olive-brown pelisse ‘But he’s only eighteen, and can’t signify’
‘Georgy!’ protested Hay
She laughed ‘Well, but you don’t signify either, Hay: you know you don’t! You are just a boy’
‘Wait until we go into action!’
‘Certainly, yes! You will perfories, and be mentioned in despatches, I have no doubt at all I daresay the Duke rite of you in the n Lord Hay—’’’
There was a general laugh
‘“I have every reason to be satisfied with the conduct of Ensign Lord Hay,’’’ said Hay in a priood!’
‘Hush, noon’t hear a word against the Duke He is quite the greatest man in the world’
It was not to be expected that Mr Creevey, a confirenerous estied Under cover of the noise of cheerful argurine Taverner moved to where his brother-in-law stood in front of the fire, and said in a low voice: ‘I suppose you don’t knohen the Duke is expected in Brussels, Worth?’