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Chapter One


“Stupid fucking dillhole, fucking can’t uy close enough to touchall huffy puffy when men come around me Motherfucker!” Iman I have everwas perfect

Who the fuck has a wedding on a Wednesday anyway? Oh well, doesn't matter It’s done and if it makes my brother happy, I’ll do it I rocked the shit out of that wedding and now I a on fumes

“Ty, Uncle Gage has nes! Baby cows, Ty! They are soooo cute” I turn to seeup to me I can't help the s, I have only been her nanny for a year but so of her as just Donnie’s and started thinking of her as mine too

“Oh,to have to show rab her hand She practically drags me over to the pasture and points out her favorite one Thank God I live in heels or I would have broken my ankle on the way over here

“Look Ty, isn't he cute? I ah as I look down at her Only she would come up with a name like that for a male bro

“That's a perfect na down at her

“Do you want to na brown eyes I put

“Okay, but you have to help e smile

“Which one do you like?” I say as she turns back around to look at the baby cows, until she finds one she likes

“I like that one” She points to a little black one, who is looking at us with his head tilted

“That one is perfect What should we call him? Milkshake?”

Giggling, she shakes her head no “He looks like a brownie, we should call him that”

“That sounds awesome He most definitely looks like a brownie” She turns around and beams up at me

“When do we get cake? I love cake What kind is it? Can I have two pieces?” I laugh and pick her up, sitting her on my hip as she asks a million questions at once

“How about we go see how long it'll be til we can have some I think that it is a chocolate cake You can have one piece” She juts out her lip and giveseyes

“But I want two, pleeease” She begs

“One and then you can have sohs dramatically and wraps her arms around my neck

“Fine” She really is the cutest thing ever I start kissing her all over her face and she ile along with her Her laughter is contagious and fills ine life without her or her infuriating dad I love the me question my sanity

When I stop, she hugstowards the house By the ti against ht to the spare bedroom

I've been to Gage's house over a hundred tiet into the roos hter in her sleep She buries her face into o She does this al away froure She was a shy little thing that didn't knohether to keep her distance or let et her dad to stop being so stubborn