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A week ago, I had my first burrito baby
I nant Thank God I have the tabloids to tell s
It happens that way sometimes, at least in Hollywood, land of the flat bellies
See, if your belly isn’t completely flat, if maybe you’ve put on a few pounds courtesy of a penchant for extra guacamole on your Chipotle burrito…
Ba talance over, and there you are, all over the rag nant
Or at least accused of it
Because the tabloids don’t seeuy’s been near uy All it takes to get “knocked up” in LA is a tortilla the size of a hubcap and an avocado or four
Let nant
I just like to eat A lot
To be honest, up until last week, when I naïvely ordered extra sour crea T-shirt that apparently accentuated the fetus that wasn’t there, I hadn’t really thought a lot about Hollywood beauty standards
I mean, for starters, I’m not Hollywood At all
I live in the Hollywood Hills, yes I rent a Hollywood director’s home, yes Even did a tiny cameo in a movie a few months back
But I, myself, am Jenny Dawson
A country singer
I get that country , I do, I really do But I swear I don’t twang about dead dogs and dusty highways I just write songs about real life My life And then I sing them
Formerly in the shower, and now on the radio
Where was I going with this?