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Succulent: Chocolate Flava II has been a labor of love I would like to thank the contributors for their patience and for allowing me to share their talent with the world Erotica has truly exploded over the past several years, particularly in the African-Ae has occurred and will continue to try to give exposure to those who deserve to be read in this genre The pleasure that I derive froive others the opportunity to shine is indescribable It is an honor to do so and I appreciate all of those who et selected There will be ies to come
The success of the first Chocolate Flava surprised even me It surpassed all sales expectations, as did Caramel Flava It is rowth has occurred Many of my readers have expressed that Chocolate Flava was one of their favorite books This will surely also become a favorite; it is definitely one of mine
In my determination to shed the world of sexual oppression and repression, I ahted to announce that Zane’s Sex Chronicles will premiere on Cinemax in April 2008 It has been such a : television and film Addicted will be in theaters in 2008 and I want to thank all of you in advance for your support of both efforts
I do need everyone to do me a tremendous favor No book, no movie, and no television show can truly succeed if people do not know it exists Word of mouth is essential and I need all of you to ask everyone that you know to joina blank email to [email protected] I want a million people on my email list; no, millions of people For that, I need your help Please spread the rateful for it
With that said, I want each and every one of you to realize that you are truly loved and appreciated by me I hope that you enjoy Succulent, which could have been called Suck-U-Length because a lot of that is going on in here Also, please look for four select stories fro the Myth on audio They are hot! You can purchase them as an audio download online
Remember to love hard but fuck even harder!
The Quiet Room
Michelle J Robinson
Patrice wasn’t sure which throbbing she wanted to quietin her head For two consecutive weeks now she had awakened with a vicious headache, which today had progressed in sever
ity Yet, despite the pounding in her head, she still got jittery between the legs watching that tall, dark, delicious man pass her desk His name was Trevor and his ass looked like it was built froht of how much she’d like to shine it with her own “special” lotion Just as she was daydrea her thick, swollen pussy lips all over his face and head, she realized he was speaking
“Good , Patrice”
“Good…good , Trevor,” she stuttered