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Queens of the Stone Age completely fueled this book (if you can’t tell by the title of the book, which ), so itwith it Also, anyti on, just know that “Feet Don’t Fail Me Noas always playing in my head

Also, I didn’t want to keep repeating s for each chapter are also QOTSA, just so you know

Song for the Dead


You Can’t Quit Me Baby

Feet Don’t Fail Me Now

The Vampyre of Time and Memory

Into the Hollow

The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret

In the Fade

Better Living Through Chemistry

The Evil Has Landed

No One Knows

Everybody Knows That You’re Insane

Head Like a Haunted House

Feel Good Hit of the Summer


I Appear Missing

Sick, Sick, Sick

Skin on Skin

I Sat By the Ocean

Un-Reborn Again

Go With the Flow

Villains of Circumstance


A few days after Halloween

“Life is a trip when you’re psycho in love”

– You Can’t Quit Me Baby, Queens of the Stone Age

It’s the ht when I wake up, unable to breathe

I sit straight up in bed, hand atwhy I’m suddenly underwater I know I’m not I’m in my bedroom, it’s quiet and dark I should be safe