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The Ritz, Barcelona, Spain, Present Day

“I won’t kill for you,” Griffin swore “I’ll gather whatever useful intelligence coladly pass it on to Interpol, but I draw the line at hn, who most certainly deserves it”

Lucien LeGran remained silent while Griffin punched diamond studs into his pleated tuxedo shirt Then the Frenchhtfully “I must say I’m surprised that someone of your passions hasn’t already killed a man or two”

“I pour my passions into my music, Lucien, and that’s all you need to know” Griffin slipped on his shirt, fastened the studs and tied his bow tie with the sarand piano He turned as he picked up his jacket “It’s time I left for the concert hall”

His visitor rose and followed hihn is too devoted a fan not to surface at one of your concerts soon, and you need only let us know Your service is greatly appreciated, Griffin Don’t ever doubt Interpol’s commitment to you”

Griffin shot hilance “You needn’t repeat your speech about the benefit to hu the personal risk, because I’ll never be your assassin”

“What you do is h,” Lucien emphasized, but he could not help but hope that if the time ever came for such decisive action, Griffin Moore would not fail them

Chapter One

Darcy yanked the hose past a tiered cluster of succulents in hand-thrown terracotta pots and continued spraying off the cement ays The paths’ lazy curves lured tourists deep into the heart of the Defy the World To at least one unusual plant and filling a green shopping bag with the charift shop

It was early spring, and during the week business was often slow, but even if the paths had been tee with the usual swarm of weekend tourists, Darcy still would have noticed the tall, dark-hairedat the entrance of the pottery shed

Like e iron goldfish suspended fro sculpture for curves and drew a constant stream of compliments

Darcy assuarnered effusive praise of his own He was over six feet in height and broad shouldered His thick black hair ithout the slightest curl and, while superbly cut, brushed the collar of his cha low on his narrow hips, so clearly he hadn’t sailed into Monarch Bay on his own yacht Or if he had, he’d changed clothes before leaving the docks for a stroll down Embarcadero

Despite his casual attire, as he exaestures held a wealthy ance Darcy felt assured that, while it was an expensive piece, the cost would be ithin his reach Inspired to proawk at the handsoer, she quickly retraced her steps, turned off the water and coiled the hose around the frog-topped spigot

A sunflower appliqué adorned the bib pocket of her forest green overalls, and she adjusted the angle of herbaseball cap as she approached him

“Good ,” she called out “That sculpture is by Toby McClure, a talented Los Angeles artist All his work has that same irresistible whimsy”

The man’s expression held only mild interest as he stepped back and continued to assess the piece After an uncorant you that it’s whiht be able to resist it”

His deep voice held a delicious hint of an accent Darcy couldn’t place and, up close, he was even better looking than he had been at first glance A golden tan graced his finely chiseled features Darcy wished the color of his eyes wasn’t hidden by wire-rilasses

With hair that dark, she feared his eyes were as deep a brown as her own Unfortunately, she’d never had a bit of luck with brown-eyed men It wasn’t that she didn’t find them attractive, for she most certainly did, but somehow they never asked her out more than once or twice

She tried to recall the last time she’d actually been out on a date; then, ashahts, she licked her lips and made an effort to come up with a witty defense of Toby’s work, but to her dismay, none calasses so she would know

whether or not he was a hopeless cause Inspired, she hoped to lure him inside