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“I don’t feel comfortable with this, Irene”

As soon as the words were out of herA mere shift in Irene’s expression was all it took A barely perceptible change, but it was enough to forewarn her of her eenerally hadfor the nearest hiding place

“Why is that, Callie?”

“Well,” she foundered a al? He’s bound to want reement”

“Should that be your worry?” Irene countered “As one of our valued employees, you knoe’d look after you if there happened to be any fallout”

The older woman’s subtle emphasis on the word valued sent a chill down Callie’s spine She owed the Pal Without Irene she would have had nothing—not her education, her job, where she lived; even the designer shoes on her feet

“This works to our advantage, you know,” Irene’s voice interrupted Callie’s thoughts

“What do you mean?”

Callie looked up at her boss and ive her hope for a future The wo of her life rather than disappear down a drain lined with drugs and crime

Only no one had ever told her that with debt came a duty to repay it After twelve years Callie had been forced to ask herself, ould enough be enough?

“Obviously any other ti you here as my assistant, but the Guildarian honorary consul position will be announced on Christmas Eve That’s in, what, nine weeks’ time?”

Callie nodded, her gaze locked on Irene’s face

“Don’t you see, Callie, it’s the perfect opportunity Everyone knows you’re my assistant and the whole of New Zealand knows the announcement of Bruce’s appointment is only a matter of time And while it’s well documented how fiercely loyal you are to me, when Bruce and I move to Guildara you will be forced to seek other employment”