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Canon’s Prologue - At 20 Years Old
It’s the ic hour
Gold dust s earth and sky, bathing the shore in light and shimmer
“It never gets old,” mysunset
After a thousand sunsets frorapher, still holds onto wonder for this view
A brisk breeze slips beneath my unzipped windbreaker
“It is beautiful, but we should probably go inside It’s getting cool out here”
“It’s not cool out here” Mama’s eyes, alive in her weary face, snap to meet mine “Don’t treat me like an invalid, Canon”
“I’m not II’m not” I study the wheelchair she spends ly in unsteady hands “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to”
The irritation eases from her expression a little, but her lips remain set “Ever really consider that word? Invalid? In-valid Because soet around easily, we invalidate them? We don’t see them, don’t respect their wishes?”
“Ma, I didn’t mean to do that We been out here for a while It’s been a long day and I just want it to end well”
The camera, when she lifts it to her eyes and aihtening grip steadies it “Every day that ends withhas ended well”
Her words grind into h my nose, never prepared for the idea that er
“Don’t talk like that, Ma” I shift s of the pier
She tears her eyes away from the calance and scoffs “Boy, we all gonna die Question is, how did you live? Did you live or just wait for death to co”
She turns back to the sunset “Except this I’ll wait for theit’ll coh A miracle you can count on”