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In Novee al, wife and editor of the late Robert Jordan, called to ask me if I would complete the last book of The Wheel of Time

For those who did not know Mr Jordan had passed away, it pains me to be the one to break the news I re the Internet on September 16, 2007—I discovered that he had died I was shocked, stunned, and disheartened This wonderful one The world suddenly became a different place

I first picked up The Eye of the World in 1990, when I was a teenage fantasy addict visiting erly awaited The Great Hunt Over the years, I've read the books nu the entire series when a new book was released Time passed, and I decided I wanted to becoe part, by how much I loved The Wheel of Tiet that phone call from Harriet It came to me as a complete surprise I had not asked, applied, or dared wish for this opportunity—though when the request was made, my ansas immediate I love this series as I have loved none other, and the characters feel like old, dear friends from my childhood

I cannot replace Robert Jordan Nobody could write this book as well as he could have That is a simple fact Fortunately, he left many notes, outlines, completed scenes, and dictated explanations with his wife and assistants Before his passing, he asked Harriet to find someone to complete the series for his fans He loved you all veryevents for the final voluht

Eighteen months later, we are here Mr Jordan pro But the e; it would be three tiular Wheel of Time book, and the decision was ht into thirds There were several excellent breaking points that would give a full and co Storm and its two followers as the three voluht or as the final three books of The Wheel of Time Both are correct

As of this writing, I a as quickly as is reasonable, and we don't want you to have to wait too long to get the ending ere all proo (Mr Jordan did write this ending himself before he passed away, and I have read it And it is fantastic) I have not tried to imitate Mr Jordan's style Instead, I've adapted oal was to stay true to the souls of the characters The plot is, in large part, Robert Jordan's, though ine this book as the product of a new director working on so the same actors and script

But this is a big project, and it will take ti your patience as we spend these next few years perfecting this story We hold in our hands the ending of the greatest fantasy epic of our tiht I intend to rerity, and love for the books, will not letless In the end, I let the words herein stand as the best argu

This is not my book It is Robert Jordan's book, and to a lesser extent, it is your book

Thank you for reading

Brandon Sanderson June 2009

For Maria Simons and Alan Romanczuk, without whom this book wouldn't have been possible

Ravens and crows Rats Mists and clouds Insects and corruption Strange events and odd occurrences The ordinary twisted and strange Wonders!

The dead are beginning to walk, and some see theht

These have been our days They rain upon us beneath a dead sky, crushing us with their fury, until as one we beg: "Let it begin!"