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Landon Lewis - Seventh Grade

I STOOD WITH My fists clenched atat Luke Phillips in the courtyard outside of school “You take that back now!”

Luke shook his head “No!”

“Landon, not again,” Emmerson said as she ran up to o It’s not worth you getting into trouble again”

“You take back what you said about E to bust your nuts”

My sister Hailey appeared next to Ehed “You really need to work on other threats, Landon”

“What’s going on?” asked Eer brother, Noah, as he walked up and stood on my other side

“All I said was I thought Emging his shoulders

Noah threw his books down on the ground and put his fists up “You even touch my sister and I’ll crack your skull open”

“You know that neither of y’all will ever have a boyfriend,” so to Emmerson and Hailey

Emmerson stepped around and stood directly in front of ht now I don’t need you or Noah defending me”

I looked around her and glared at Luke

“Yeah, why don’t the two of you just leave!” Luke shouted, gaining courage fro up for him

Emmerson spun around and took a few steps forward until she was face to face with the jerk “And as for you, I wouldn’t kiss you if you were the last boy in Texas!”

“That’s not what I heard,” Luke snickered

Before I couldhis nose

“Oh osh!” Hailey shouted “You broke his nose, Emme!”

I glanced at Noah, and he glanced back at me Then we both turned our attention to E down at Luke

Eer and said, “That will teach you to spread rumors, you little twerp”

“What is going on…ohover to help Luke stand up “Your nose is bleeding!”

Luke pointed at Emmerson “She hit me, Mrs Hathaway Emmerson hit me!”