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St Augustine, Florida

February 5

6 pm


The sun is about to set The streets are slick from the shower that doused me as I rushed to my car My clothes stick to my skin, froe wraparound skirt What was a s uncohs

Rush Garrison probably got caught in the rain, too I would have loved to see his crisp black dress shirt plastered to his broad shoulders, hugging all the rippling muscles of his torso…

Dream on He doesn’t remember you It’s been years And he’s head of the hotel’s security now, so he’ll never notice you except as a fellow e He’s asked three times

I just can’t bring myself to say yes

With a sigh, I pull e, grab e up my brick ay Finally under the cover of h at the crazy sheets of rain still pelting the street

It’s been a hell of a day Bryan Russell,for hours, the hotel is filling up fast with out-of-state guests for another unseasonably eekend, and so out in the lobby , of course But now? TGIF, and I’m scheduled for some days off I have all blessed weekend to curl up on lass of wine and the pile of super sexy romances on my e-reader Okay, I have to do laundry, too But the rest of the ti but fictional hot sex I can’t wait!

Oh, don’t lie You’ll be fantasizing about Rush, too A lot

I can’t deny that…

As I scramble for my house key, the rain suddenly stops in typical Florida fashion I laugh again

“Hi, honey!” elderly Mrs Crafton calls across the street as she e at rass for a place to do its business

“Hey! You doing okay?”

“Fine Just fine” She stands under her porch lights and eyes et a more reliable car someday?”