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Little Cat Taer 20380K 2023-08-28


One time, Jupiter, happy to be idle,

Swept the cosmic mystery aside

And draining another goblet of ambrosia

Teased Juno, who drowsed in bliss beside him:

‘This love of e business

Fifty-fifty investment in the madness,

Yet she ends up with nine-tenths of the pleasure’

Juno’s ansas: ‘A ht think so

It needs more than a mushroom in your cup

To wake a wisdom that can fathom which

Enjoys the deeper pleasure, man or woman

It needs the solid knowledge of a soul

Who having lived and loved in woman’s body

Has also lived and loved in the body of man’

– Ovid, The Metamorphoses

But if I told you everything you’d probably think I was a slut and I can’t deal with that so I’ I mean, I can’t fully deal with myself if I call myself a slut It’s just that I know there’s all these probleuy loves sex it comes from the pleasure he feels in his cock – which is why he’s never called a slut But because it’s easier for a girl to get disconnected fro to know herself Do you see what I’ astray

I think the trouble, too, is that a slut understands that there is not assex as she wants there to be Pleasure roa frouy, always looking to feel ot so disappointed I felt like I wasthe basest enjoyment that was supposed to be there I’d seen how pleasure touched a cock andback Pleasure hurled right through him! But my pleasure never felt done – even when I ca to my stomach, it swelled up my throat

See, I used to be the kind of girl who’d walk down the street and practically call out fuck et dressed really sexy and go out to clubs to pick up In the secret pit of s in the air, eyes popping wide I wanted ht there

There was this ti any underwear I straddled the bar stool, toes swinging over the ground My pussy lips were pressing on the leather My whole body was balanced like this, legs wide, back arched, clit staot near to rip the bar I knew right away that this was the person as going to fuck me

‘Can I buy you a drink?’ the guy asked

‘Okay,’ I said ‘Anything’