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"What a pair we are," Livia responded with a rueful laugh "You realize that we’ll both end up old and unwed, living together with a great horde of cats"
"God saveback to that conversation, Aline slid an arhtly, "here is an opportunity for you to land an ae pockets Just what you were hoping for"
Livia snorted "I was joking about that, as you well know Besides, how can you be certain that there are eligible gentleroup last evening Have you ever heard of the Shaws of New York? They’ve had enerations, which is forever in America The head of the family is Mr Gideon Shaho is un"
"Good for him," Livia said "However, I have no interest in husband hunting, no htened her arm protectively about Livia’s narrow shoulders Since the death of her fiancé, Lord Aain However, it was clear that Livia needed a family of her own Her nature was too affectionate to be squandered on a life of spinsterhood It was a measure of how deeply Livia had loved Amberley, that she still mourned him two years after his death And yet surely A men, would never have wanted Livia to spend the rest of her life alone
"One never knows," Aline said "It’s possible that you will meet a man whom you will love as much as--if not more than--you did Lord Amberley"
Livia’s shoulders stiffened "Lord, I hope not It hurts too much to love someone that way You know that as well as I"
"Yes," Aline ad to close away the memories that stirred behind an invisible door in her nore theether in silence, each understanding the other’s unspoken sorrows How strange, Aline thought, that the younger sister she had always thought of as so of a nuisance would turn out to be her dearest friend and co, Aline turned toward one of the four towers that cornered the main body of the h the servants’ entrance I don’t wish to uests while I’m dusty from our walk"
"Neither do I" Livia fell into step beside her "Aline, don’t you ever tire of acting as hostess for Marcus’s guests?"
"No, I don’t mind it, actually I like to entertain, and it’s always pleasant to hear the news froton said that you have a way ofthan they really are He said that you are the most accomplished hostess he has ever known"
"Did he? For those kind words, I will put extra brandy in his tea the next ti, Aline paused at the tower entrance and glanced over her shoulder at the entourage of guests and their servants, who milled in the courtyard as various trunks were carried this way and that It seee of Mr Gideon Shaw’s
As Aline surveyed the courtyard, her gaze was drawn by aeven that of the foot and black-haired, with broad shoulders and a confident,that was very nearly a strut Like the other Americans, he was dressed in a suit that ell tailored but scrupulously conservative He stopped to chat easily with another guest, his hard profile partially averted
The sight of him made Aline feel uneasy, as if her usual self-possession had suddenly been stripped away At this distance she could not see his features clearly, but she sensed his power It was in his ant tilt of his head No one could doubt that he was a man of consequence…perhaps he was Mr Shaw?
Livia preceded her inside the house "Are you co, Aline?" she said over her shoulder
"Yes, I…" Aline’s voice drifted into silence as she continued to stare at the distant figure, whose barely contained vitality made every otherhis brief conversation, he strode toward the entrance of the manor As he set foot on the first step, however, he stopped…as if someone had called out his name His shoulders seemed to tauten beneath his black coat Aline watched him, mesmerized by his sudden stillness Slowly he turned and looked right at her Her heart gave a hard, hurtful extra thuazes met
"What is it?" Livia asked with a touch of concern "You’re flushed all of a sudden" She ca impatiently "Come, we’ll bathe your face and wrists with cool water"
"Oh, I’ht," Aline replied, but the pit of her stoentleman in the courtyard…"
"The black-haired one? Yes, I noticed him too Why is it that A in the clirow like weeds"
"In that case, you and I should go for an extended stay," Aline said with a smile, for both she and Livia were small of stature Their brother, Marcus, was also no ht, but his build was so muscular and bull-like that he posed a perilous physical threat to anycomfortably, the sistersAline knew that she would have to be quick about changing her gown and freshening her appearance, as the Americans’ early arrival had undoubtedly set the household in a couests would want refreshments of some kind, but there was no time to prepare a full-blown breakfast The Aes until a"nuncheon" could be asseh a mental list of the contents of the pantry and larders She decided they would set out crystal bowls of strawberries and raspberries, pots of butter and jaus salad and broiled bacon would also be nice, and Aline would also tell the housekeeper, Mrs Faircloth, to serve the chilled lobster soufflé that had been intended as a supper course for later in the day So else could be substituted at dinner, perhaps so sauce, or sweet-breads with celery stalks--
"Well," Livia said prosaically, interrupting her speculations, "Have a pleasant day I shall proceed to skulk about as usual"
"There is no need for that," Aline said with an instant frown
Livia had virtually gone into hiding after the scandalous consequences of her tragic love affair with Lord Aarded with sympathy, Livia was still considered "ruined," and therefore unfit company for those of delicate sensibilities She was never invited to social events of any kind, and when a ball or soiree was held at Stony Cross Park, she stayed in her roo However, after two years of witnessing Livia’s social exile, Marcus and Aline had both agreed that enough was enough Perhaps Livia could never regain the status she had enjoyed before her scandal, but the siblings were determined that she should not be forced to live the rest of her life as a recluse They would gently wedge her back into the fringes of good society, and eventually find her a husband of suitable fortune and respectability