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"Heaven knows I

stupidly with a confusion of desires which every hteen hundred years, thewrong in it?"

"Oh no! Not for you," she said scornfully

"I a your

opinion, your help, in regard to how I shall treat this affair"

"And I aive you no

opinion, no help I forbid you to recur to the subject" He was silent,

unable to drop his eyes from hers "But for her," continued Mrs Bowen,

"I will do anything in ive her all the help I can"

"Thank you," said Colville vaguely

"I will not have your thanks," promptly retorted Mrs Bowen, "for I ene, and when that is

ended, all is ended There is no way now for you to pleasewhat she has done"

"Do you think I shall fail in that?" he denantly

"I can offer you no opinion I can't tell what you will do"