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“Affirmative,” Dickson says “The Greek is on his way to the address now He was here on island last night, lucky for us But both Cash and Elsonhurst are on vacay until Monday and I’m at the end of a double, so I don’t knoho else you want to call in The other guys are kind of green—”
“I’ll worry about that in a irl have family to notify?”
“I’m not sure,” Dickson says “The bride was so upset that I told the EMTs to take her to the hospital She needed a Xanax, and badly She could barely breathe, much less speak”
“The paper will have to leave this alone until we notify next of kin,” the Chief says Which is one s the Chief wants is Jordan Randolph fro around his crime scene The Chief can’t believe he missed the 911 call on the scanner Over the years he has developed an uncanny filter where the scanner is concerned; he knows, even in his sleep, what deserves his attention and what he can let pass But now he has a dead body
They have to assuh here on Nantucket, violent cri on this island for nearly thirty years and in all that time, he has seen only three homicides One per decade
Roger Pelton called it in The Chief has heard Roger’s name recently Really recently, at some point in the past couple of days And a cos a bell too But why?
He hears a light tap on the , and through the glass slider, he sees Andrea in her nightshirt, holding up a cup of coffee Chloe isuniform of white shirt and black pants
Chloe is awake already? the Chief thinks At six o’clock in the ht that she fell asleep in her clothes?
Yes, he thinks She worked a rehearsal dinner the night before Then it clicks: Chloe told the Chief that the rehearsal dinner and the wedding were being held in Mono coordinator It’s the sah he knows better than anyone that this is a small island
“Was the wo is taking place today?” the Chief asks
“Affirmative,” Dickson says “She was theto be any wedding”
Andrea, possibly recognizing the expression on the Chief’s face, steps out to the deck, hands Ed his coffee, and disappears inside Chloe has vanished She has probably headed upstairs to shower for work, which will now be canceled News like this travels fast; the Chief expects that Siobhan Crispin will be calling at any moment
What else did Chloe say about that wedding? One of the families is British, the mother faht? So
The Chief takes the first sip of his coffee “You’re still on-site, correct, Dickson? Have you talked to anyone other than the bride and Roger?”
“Yeah, I talked to the grooo with the bride to the hospital But first he went inside one of the guest cottages to grab his wallet and his phone and he ca”
“Missing?” the Chief says “Is it possible we have two people dead?”
“I checked the water, down the beach, and out a few hundred yards in both directions with lasses,” Dickson says “It was all clear But at this point, I’d say anything is possible”
“Tell the Greek to wait for me, please,” the Chief says “I’m on my way”
Friday, July 6, 2018, 9:15 am
Greer Garrison Winbury thrives on tradition, protocol, and decoru, she is happy to toss all three out theIt’s custohter’s nuptials, but if that were the case with Benji and Celeste, the wedding would be taking place in a church at theat TGI Fridays