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Hardline Meredith Wild 14900K 9 month ago

He ran a cool hand over my ass I tensed in response to the si myself for what always came next

"You were twenty minutes late Do you knohat that means?"

Before I could speak, his hand made sharp contact withhto punish me?" I asked quietly

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes" Thehow far we’d gone and how much I loved those dark places we found in each other Ad how e

"Lucky for you You’re going to get twenty lashes I want you to count Don’t forget, or I’ll get the belt"

Without delay he slapped h the rooht my breath, I rushed to speak


"That’s it" He delivered another


With every punishing swat, I tightened and greetter, a circu spanked drove its I was clawing at the table, more than ready for the pleasure that cahed and rested against the table The relief was short-lived as Blake caught htened, and he spun me He dropped his jaw, as if to speak, but instead he pulled our bodies together His skin scorched under mine, and suddenly I wanted him even more He sealed his lips over led with thehis taste onthe contact

"You’re too greedy"

I pouted

"You’re spoiled, and you don’t listen"

"I listen," I insisted

"You may listen, but you don’t obey worth a da to teach you"