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Hardwired Meredith Wild 17330K 9 month ago

A heat built in my belly at the threat "You like it?"

"I’ve been hard since I set eyes on you"

I smiled I loved that I could do that to hiht youthe riently on roin I sighed and pressed back into hih"

"I have business here, occasionally" He nuzzled into ht invaded the ether, hi her for any reason, platonic or otherwise She was toxic and spiteful

"I htly to catch his reaction

He frowned and loosened his hold on aze fixed on hi to see her here, or God forbid if he already had, I couldn’t take it He had to be here for uise my utter distaste for her

I wondered if he could see past her perfect features His jaitched and he stared out over the horizon, saying nothing

My insides writhed with the jealousy that had been haunting me since I met Sophia The way she waved her relationship with Blake around in front oftoo hard for Blake, and his silence spoke volumes I winced I was so naive to believe Heath’s version of the story She obviously meanttrapped between hi, at the mercy of his hands and circumstances that ell beyond my control I wasn’t about to coet past hi?"

His voice was icy and sent a shiver through o have fun That’s e’re here isn’t it?" My tone was clipped,the present h clenched teeth

"Me, and who else?"

His features softened for a second, along with his grasp I slipped easily out of his hold I found Alli settled on the couch next to Jess, her hand never leaving Heath’s even though they were engaged in two separate conversations This lovebird routine was starting to seriously wear on o dance?" I asked

Alli patted Heath’s knee, releasing hio," she said