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Forbidden Falls Robyn Carr 32090K 9 month ago

Noah burst out laughing This hat he loved about George and always had--he was so unafraid to live life He held nothing back "They used to call ues," Noah said

"Not men like me," he protested "I care very much for these ladies They are, each one, wonderful woenuine affection and respect"

Noah suspected George was sleeping with at least one of theer years, he’d been frivolous where women were concerned and had been intimate with quite a few When he was about to be ordained, he’d struggled with the chastity issue He wasn’t big on chastity He didn’t think it was so much a sin as a recoument for the recoument to support sex with partners you weren’t committed to; he could ad to support adultery--you didn’t need a commandment to see how bad that could turn

For that estions that bywo of linen and wool in the saeless rules that made perfect moral sense even today, others were cultural e’s take on it, especially if he was about to encouragethat bothered hie was blasé "No one knows the Bible better than you, Noah And you have an ie of related studies There are obvious reasons why things like chastity are enforced even today To keep wo beasts To discourage proe To keep the act of love holy and virtuous And to keep children fro into unblessed unions before the man and woman were prepared to parent them, to feed and protect them"

Noah knew this too well The reasons for most of the Bible’s rules were practical as opposed to arbitrary proof of one’s discipline

"But I suggestuse of the Eleventh Commandment Moses ran out of stone, but its wisdoes Take responsibility for your actions"

Noah had grinned largely and said, "Now, that, I get"


On Monday, George and Noah took a hint when they realized they were siet some real work done in the church They decided to drive over to Arcata to look at the bird sanctuaries, then they had a nice dinner in Old Town

By the tie took a book to bed while Noah sat up He was on the couch with his laptop, trading late-night e-eles It was after ten when there was a knock at the RV door A soft knock Noah typed, Gotta go Co there, below him, was Ellie She was upset; all color was drained from her face

"I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s late and you were probably asleep and I’m sorry, but I’m so scared and I don’t knohat to do"

"I wasn’t asleep Co out a hand "What in the world happened?"

"Someone visited Arnie from Child Welfare today, talked to him, interviewed the kids, and he’s furious! He says he knows I’onnaterrible to the kids?"

"Come here," Noah said cal it aside "Just sit down and tell me about it"

"I told him I didn’t ask for that, which is the truth, but he was snarling at a trouble on me"

"Did you call Brie?" Noah asked

"I did I have her business nue Then I called again and said I was co here to talk to you, in case she tried to call me back I feel like I should drive over to Arnie’s or soed and he wiped it off her cheek with a thumb And just at that e stood there in his bathrobe "I’ I can do?"

"You heard?" Noah asked

"No, I just heard voices, but it’s obvious there’s a problee said

"Come in if you like This is not a secret," Noah said "Ellie has a problee just smiled and said, "I think I’ll leave you two to work it out"

Noah barely heard hi on Ellie "I have Brie’s home number, if you’d like me to call her"

"Should we?" she asked "I don’t want to be a problem, but I don’t knohat to do"

"I think this is what Arnie wants, Ellie He eance, he scared you He doesn’t knohere that Child Welfare worker cae ordered it Those social workers are very slick, they knohat they’re doing They don’t let things slip that ht hurt the children"

"He said he doesn’t believe the judge did this What if he calls the judge?"

"If this works the usual way, no one can have an ex parte conversation with the judge--you would have to be present, as well We’ll talk to Brie before the judge is in cha to be okay The proble he threatened you That’s ot one of those thingatheh it prettyAll I have to do is push a button before I pick up So I have a tape But that won’t help, will it?"

Noah’s face split in a huge grin and he put his palh and kissed her, quick and hard "Ha!" he said He kissed her again "Ellie, you got him!"

"But I’ve always heard that if you tape someone when they don’t know it, it won’t hold up in court…"

"Bull When attorneys and judges, not to mention law enforcement, are aware that there’s a real threat, the tables turn It uy and you the victi?"