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“Man, I wish I was as lucky as you” My best friend, Steve, handed me a beer and sat down next to me on the couch as the football darted across the screen for the opening kickoff

“Lucky?” I lifted the can tolucky about this”

“You’re kidding ht? You have the house to yourself You have a seventy-inch television you get to watch football on instead of being forced to watch it in the garage on a shitty hand-et to drink beer in the house without anyone bitching at you I wish my ould leave me” Steve shook his head and sipped his beer

“Why don’t you leave her if you’re unhappy?” My brow caer in my tone

“Oh, I can’t do that… I got kids, man” He shook his head back and forth

“So do I” I looked over at him “One at least”

“Yeah, but I mean—she left you That’s different” He stood up and pointed at the television as our teaons, made a first down “Hell, if my wife left ain like ere before we got et”

“I guess so” I didn’t react to the play or his coht of hter were in the other roo about football for all I cared

A few hours later, the gaone All I had was the emptiness of my house and a dim room illuminated only by the computer screen in front of me There were many facets to divorce that Steve didn’t understand I refused to letbitch, so a lot of my money went to her every month Every penny I could save was squirreled away in a college fund, but I wasn’t saving nearly enough to give her the college education I wanted her to have I needed a roommate—and not one like Steve I needed soh to pay their share of the bills, and calh to let me dwell in my alcohol-soaked misery

Okay, I hope this is good enough

I stared at the screen for a moment The advertiseave it one final proofread to make sure I didn’t accidentally confess a hidden desire to murder, maim, cook and eat all potential applicants I could have su for in one sentence—I wanted so idiot—but that didn’t pass their profanity filter I es in a rundown-area offering safe neighborhoods and a good school district That was obviously a blatant lie I hit the button to sub and leaned back in my chair

Let the hunt begin

I couldn’t believe my life had devolved to the state it was in It had only been a year since my life was absolutely perfect I was married to a beautiful woman and we had a cute little three year old with the best of both of us wrapped up in one perfect package All of that was gone My wife left ly called hot-dad at the dinner table for weeks before I found out they were having an affair He was a single dad with a son who attended the sahter went to That decision had already costto cost h to understand why she didn’t get to see her Daddy on a regular basis

Go to hell hot-dad, with your perfect smile and deliberate charisma