Page 32 (1/2)

Ty laughed softly and shook his head He lay back, leaving the gun safely under the mattress, rolled on the bed, and stretched out on his stoh hi it well

Zane exchanged a few more words with the person on the other side of the door before shutting it fir the bolt “We are now top of the treat list,” he said wryly as he walked back to the bed

“The ship, if not the world, is ours on a platter”

“Great,” Ty replied without enthusiasm “What else is on that damned itinerary?”

“Too ,” Zane e of theTy"s neck with one hand

“What would be the point in disabling Del or Corbin at this stage?” Ty posed as he stared listlessly at the balcony doors

“Nothing other than re a little to use both hands to knead Ty"s shoulders carefully

“Thank you, Sherlock,” Ty said with a small smile “I meant why

Have we stumbled into a business takeover, do you think?”

Zane stayed quiet for a ers fir to take over”

“Or Bianchi,” Ty said with a nod

“I suppose it could be us—the Porters—trying to take over, and one of the others is sie,more to Ty"s shoulders and upper arms

“You"re much better at that than the last lady,” Ty mumbled distractedly

The war in smooth circles and slides “Porter does see the conversation as if Ty hadn"t said anything

“An enterprising thug Bianchi… well, erous”

“Right” Ty sighed heavily, closing his eyes and concentratinghands, and he spread theed thein and knead until it was al the area with long swipes of the heels of his hands, gently shooing the discomfort away

Ty realized he was letting Zane divert hihtly more important issue they now faced He raised his head and turned it, resting it again so he was facing Zane “You"re getting distracted,” he accused

The corners of Zane"s mouth pulled up slowly, and the s his fingertips down Ty"s back

Ty shivered violently, then rolled and reached up to knock Zane"s hand away He h, and his shoulder hit the edge of the e with a flail of his arms and an abbreviated yip

There was silence for a brief moment, and then Zane"s head appeared to look down at him