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Page 74 (1/2)

“It"s no big deal Justdressing Nobody needs to live like this

They just want to be pampered Money makes it easy to be lazy” Ty looked at hied “Personal experience,” heback on one elbow

“With being lazy?” Ty asked with a slight smile

Zane shook his head slowly “You know me better than that”

Ty smiled wider, but then it faded back into a confused frown He clearly wanted to inquire further, but they were still at a stage where asking about each other"s pasts was an uncomfortable venture Zane watched the emotions cross Ty"s face and decided an ansas in order “My fa operations for several generations now”

Ty"s only reaction was to arch an eyebrow Zane knew his norh to know that an expression of so little e a more natural response Ty"s poker face was impressive unless you knew hi his curiosity

“In ot“I don"t really know”

“That"s probably a lot then,” Ty concluded, a hint of ill-concealed discomfort in his voice

“Probably,” Zane allowed “I"m not exactly ed a little, and he pushed hi I deal with”

Ty turned his head to watch Zane, but he didn"t take a step back or ive him space It was an oddly intimate inaction

“So… what, you got cut off?”

Zane shook his head “We just don"t get along” He didn"t really want to get into a rehash of Dallas—too much potential for messy emotions he tried to keep buried with the rest of his past, not toviolin section He forced a smile and looked up at Ty “I like your family a lot better”

“They"re that bad?” Ty asked disbelievingly

Zane had to laugh “There"s no way to coht? Well, I"ve got e,” he tried to joke, but it came out flat to his ear

Ty"s eyes strayed to the array of bags and belongings on the bed; then he looked back at Zane and nodded somberly “If you ever want to talk about it,” he offered slowly, a s as he finished,

“you"ve got Deacon"s nuht?”

Warh Zane"s chest, and it was easy to return the smile Comments like that did a lot to remind Zane that Ty really did care about hi him off on his psychiatrist brother “Yeah” Then he looked down at thethe bed