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McCoy had scheduled hientleed, had his unruly hair cut in a more refined style so he could use this funky paste to slick it back, had his eyebroaxed and plucked, of all things, and even had a deep-cleansing facial, where the woman had poked and prodded at his skin with a little metal tool for what had seemed like hours It had been one of the weirdest and ined It would be, he figured, a great interrogation tool

And the ear piercing had stung like a bitch

Noas sleek Polished He"d had a manicure, so his hands looked neater, less experienced in brawling And a pedicure, which had actually felt pretty dae wasn"t immediately visible Zane turned around so his back was to thehis shirttails and pushing down the waistband of his dress pants to expose skin

A graceful twisted vine tattoo spread across his lower back fro down to the crack of his ass in an inverted triangle of stark black, si lines It wasn"t real, of course, but the effect was still the same He wondered what Ty would think about it Ty see with its sraceful design

Sighing, Zane let his shirt fall It was already open down the front, unbuttoned, exposing his chest He hadn"t bothered to put his undershirt back on after theready for bed when he"d been arrested by the strange sight of himself in the mirror He started to pull the shirt off his shoulders, but he heard a key in the front door andas someone entered the apartment It could only be Ty; he was the only person Zane had ever given a key, and Zane never left a door unlocked When Zane peered around the corner, though, a stranger stood there It took hi to realize it was Ty after all, and Zane was glad he didn"t have his gun in hand

“Don"t shootexactly the saan to loosen his tie and unbutton his shirt as he walked closer, tossing pieces of his clothing haphazardly to the floor and furniture as he approached Zane

“Are you just getting done with the—”

“Yes,” Ty muttered as he yanked his tie off His shirt fell open as he bent and pulled off his shoes

Zane looked over the long, tan body before hi slowly the more he took in The people at the spa had done the works on his normally scruffy partner He was Ty, but… not He was clean-shaven for the first time in months, and his short hair had been bleached an unnatural white-blond It stood straight up, as if offended by its new color Ty"s entire body looked retouched, his tanned skin shinier, smoother—and likely softer—than it had ever been His well-defined chest was devoid of its usual dusting of dark hair, and the effect made him sleeker

Zane wasn"t sure what he thought of the hair, but the rest of Ty was a walking wet dream

Which was… hysterical, really Zane blinked several tiether hard

“Go ahead Get it out of your system,” Ty invited as he tossed his dress shirt at the couch He waved his hand at his neaxed chest

Zane let the smile loose “You look…” He crossed his ar to not laugh outright

“Yeah? Well, you look sleazy,” Ty told him with a smirk as he looked Zane up and down critically He took a fe steps, circling Zane as he sized him up

Tipping his head to one side as Ty walked around hiel they put in my hair”