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A Fay Yolanda Olson 16620K 2023-08-28


The pool of cri slick with the red liquid and the longer I stand here looking down at her, the more I wonder how I'm supposed to carry on without her

It was an accident

I thought she was an intruder co to steal equiprabbed er without so lance

With a heavy sigh, I reach down, laying the weapon on the dusty, wooden floor then pick her up inher close I knohat to do with her because no one will believe that this was unintentional We've had sohout the town, but I've never raised a hand to her Only h to be branded a villain to those that are on the outside looking in

After a fewher in s They’ll take care of ic mistake and then I’ll worry about the rest when the time comes

I’ll tell everyone she ran off and I’ll h tiood story

I’ll miss her and I hope that if I see her in another life, she won’t look down on s could have been better between us, but they can be better with loads of people I think

We did our best and I did everything I could to keep her happy on our farether

Simple isn’t a word I like, but it’s what can best describe e had, and while it was enough for h for her And while I think it’s honestly the only way to think of hoe lived our lives, it’s a word, and all of its variables, that she used against me constantly

“You’re so dense, Huck”

“You don’t knowdo you, you simple bastard?”

“I don’t understand why you can’t be ss, Huck”

I look down at the body in pen I can feel the anger starting to rise inside of me This bitch never loved ain her approval, I can honestly say now that she never loved me

With a grunt, I toss the body into the pen and tip the brim of my hat as my animals come to do their part

While they begin to feast on her corpse, I wonder if she’s worth any of the tears I shed after I realized what I had done I wonder if she would have shed any for me

It’s too late for that now, but re how she spoke to uilty about what I’ve done

Ding, dong, the bitch is dead