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He looked down at her orry evident in his expression “It would make me feel better”

Aleena stared up at hie I’ll be right back Make yourself at home”

With a sigh, she closed the bedroom door behind her and yanked off her wet clothes Then she pulled on the first things she grabbed, a bra, panties, an old pair of pink sweatpants, an old t-shirt, and her slippers She used a towel to get some of the water out of her hair and then hurried back out to him

Aleena stood still and watched hiein front of the fireplace

Even as wet as he was, he stilled looked ruggedly attractive The shirt he had on was transparent because it was dah it When she’d glanced at him on the ride there, she’d notice the small patch of hair he had on his chest and the th and vitality

“Would you like so to drink?”

Kaleb swung around to face her “Do you have a beer?” he asked

She shook her head and stared at his chest, unable to look him in the face “No, I don’t drink alcohol I have water, juice, pop, or chocolate milk”

“I’ll take chocolate milk”

For soht back to the last adult she’d seen drink chocolate lass, walked back to hilass, and then walked away from him

She sat in the corner of the sofa closest to the fireplace and pulled a blanket over her lap She wanted to stare at hih her lashes so he wouldn’t be able to tell

“Do you like being a paralegal?”

A shiver took Aleena off guard because of the deep tiaze went to him She didn’t want to look at him because every time she did, her stoet uncomfortably wet

She knehy, of course She enty-six years old and a college graduate She’d heard about arousal before She’d just hadn’t felt it before

A person couldn’t go through college and not find things out Her roouys over all the tiirls on her floor talked about it all the time