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Cassandra shook her head "I have more you can borrow if you need them There are few Breed females here at Haven that will meet your size requirements I would be closest"
Storme watched her warily For a er in the world, but she wasn't Storme had never realized how difficult it must be for the Breeds to maintain the reality of what they were in the face of the illusion they presented to the world
She was having sex with a Breedhere in front of a Breed female that the Council would pay more than three million dollars to possess the many of the beliefs she'd had for years Questions she shied quickly away fro too deeply into them
As she stared back at Storineering, nor did she appear to possess the special, dangerous abilities the Genetics Council was rumored to have stated she possessed
She looked like any nor soer to her And, Store that filled her could have er to any Breed
"You're watching me like Nikki watches her little specihed
"You look a lot different than your pictures," Storme said quietly "A little shorter, and definitely prettier"
The pictures the Council had of her gave her the appearance of cold intelligence Black-and-white, they showed her with her hair pulled back fro paler than they actually were
Here, in real life, she looked fragile, vulnerable and full of energy For a h she weren't entirely certain of soerous and she sure as hell didn't look as though she would survive the cell labs Stora compound where she had been raised
"Well thank you for the couess" The smile Cassandra flashed her was at once uncomfortable as well as warm
"So I guess Styx had things to do today,"
Cassandra said and sighed "We've been looking for this really cool, rare chocolate and I finally found it It arrived today along with the e ordered I just thought he ht like to know"
"I'll let hiet The thought of Styx sharing chocolate and ith this young wo
"Call ht be friends" Cassie tilted her head, her gaze at once h she could see beyond the surface into part of Storme that Storme wanted no one to see, or to know Especially Breeds "If you ever decide we're not monsters, that is"
"We ht be friends?" Stor soon, Cassie I rather doubt you socialize much outside Breed society As for monsters, no, I don't see you as a monster" At the moment And that statement didn't apply to many of the Breeds she had met before Styx kidnapped her