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She shook her head before her eyes did a quick,roll
"Styx, keep it up and I'in to suspect there's more human DNA in your mix than Wolf" She chided hiesture that told the assistant who acco so they could head out
"Ah, Nikki hed "Such insults to my fair self Have ye ever known a human that could corin as he stepped back from the doorway to allow her to pass him
His talents were indeed rare His father's genetics mixed with those of the historic Robert the Bruce had created a true Scots warrior, but it had been a fine friend of his father's who had trained him in a nearly extinct, deadly form of martial arts
His ood Dr Mackenzie's eagle eye After all, Styx and several of his litterthe sperm and DNA of Mackenzie's dead son, and he considered them all part of his blood So much so that he had risked death himself several ti
"Chocolate-eating Breeds are a die open living area and grinned back at hi into the alpha's cabins to steal their mates' chocolate?"
She dahed at the apparent insult though, knowing the good doctor meant more jest than harm
She knew the truth of his training, just as she knew he had been trained to gain information, no matter the method used to unlock the secrets
Seduction was but one of the games he knew to attain what he wanted There were other ways, other calculations, other routes to twist a woained what he had been sent for
"That they are, love," he agreed with her "But, ones such as I are so rare as to be all but nonexistent"
"And they need to stay nonexistent," she reminded him "Watch yourself with her, Styx Unlike many of your play-mates, she just may know more than any of us are coerous to us either way, and I' isn't fully present could be the fact that you suspect she can't be trusted"
Styx shook his head That wasn't the problem and he knew it
"I believe it's because of her" He nodded to his slu mate "Perhaps the heat, the animalistic qualities of it are more than she can handle at present, Doc She's terrified"
"She wants to be terrified" Nikki shrugged "She knows not all Breeds are like those who killed her fao of that disc Perhaps she uses the fear to rationalize that A lot of our fe is concerned They can't let go of the enforced training that punished them for it"
There were many of the above that conditioning Laughter, socializing, emotion had been heavily punishable offenses in the labs