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Navarro nodded "She's terrified of Breeds, and she hates them for the loyalty her father had to them For the fact that he and her brother died to protect that information In her mind her father and her brother chose the Breeds over her"

"And forgiveness doesn't coer allow her the convenience of coht in"

Navarro nodded, his lips parting to saycame abruptly to his feet

"Destroy the foraze was icy as he stared at those around the table "Destroy the files and the girl i ever falls into Council hands, then it has the power to not just d

estroy the Breeds, but also the world" He turned to Jonas, the icy blue of his eyes like shards of pale glass now "Project O you never want to resurrect, not for any reason"

Jonas stared back at the scientist "What is it, A?"

For a second, pure, raw fear flashed in the scientist's eyes "You don't want to know, Jonas And trustit Above all other threats against the Breeds, Project Oerous"

And here Jonas had believed he was beginning a new phase of his life with a measure of peace

A mated wife, a babe he called his own, and for the past six weeks, life had been, if not peaceful, at least without any major catastrophes

"What was the project, A notice now

A as he stared back at Jonas "I won't be a part of this I wouldn't be a part of it then, and I won't be a part of it now And there's no threat the Breeds could use against me to force it I'm ready to return to Sanctuary now"

He left the room

Jonas stared after hi cooperated so ith the Breeds Besides the fact that he lived for Breed research in whatever forhter, Isabella Ross She was free She lived, worked, laughed and enjoyed friends, but at all times there was a Breed close by A Breed who, Jonas had assured A to kill the only human he loved

A to risk Isabella's life to keep the secret of Project Oa And the hell of it was, at any other time, Jonas wouldn't have blamed him

Turning back to Navarro, Jonas hardened his coirl and anyone else who dared get in the way of protecting the child he called his own