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“Report” Dane’s voice was hard “I’m on my way to your location Alpha one and parties secured”

“I need you in here No transmissions out, only in The equipment has been tampered with, but security protocols are still in force I need you to find out where the transo They’ve been rerouted”

“Execute a full sweep of the system and it should be displayed as I arrive We’ll track it and burn the bastard responsible”

She entered the co furiously as she kept her eyes on the securityback online Each roora roorounds and hallways

She saw Dane rushing for the security center, Leo’s security force inside and outside the roo held Mates were being escorted into that rooer as the children themselves

“This isn’t about the children, its about infor more to herself as she continued to tap into the alternate system the computers held “Why take the children if they have the information they need? Why take this risk? Why? Patterns,” she continued to mumble to herself, barely aware of the silence in the roo across the computer screen “Always patterns Where are you? You’re here, baby, I feel youCome on Give it to me”

Mercury listened to her, leaning close The whisper of the accent, the curiously sensual tone of her caressing voice as she pounded out commands and worked the system, amazed him

He had never heard anything like it As she worked, caressed, cajoled, infor up on the screens—transmissions, commands entered and, finally, display

They watched as the Breedthe weapons that were shoved beneath it

The door to the security center opened

“There you are, co ht,” Austin crowed

The Breed s that began Dane stepped into the room, stepped over the body and sat down at the control center beside Ria

“Are you ready, love?” he asked her gently

They paused “One Two Go”

Their fingers hit the keys at once, in identical commands, and then simultaneously hit “enter”