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The animal couldn’t allow it It feared what the man feared, and no other could possess its mate It slipped further froh that the glands in the htest bit
And the ainst hers and slid his tongue inside
The animal snarled silently, and made certain there was h to feed into her system, to make certain no other could take her, no other would be allowed to claim her
As the kiss aroused both hed and tucked his head against her shoulder, his tongue licking over the priain
The remainder of the hormone fed into that bite, into her flesh
The power it took for the ani precision earying If only the ard the animal with horror If only thethe animal each time he awoke, it wouldn’t have been so hard
The anie with the man if he would allow it It would protect that th into the man and allow him to be the Breed he had been created to be
For noeariness flowed over it It collapsed within its chains once again and let itself rest Not a true sleep, for there was fear of the darkness and the eternal night it had known for so many years
The nextdawned cold There was a hint of snow in the air, and as Ria and Mercury stepped fro outside the door, she realized winter was definitely on for the mountains where the Breeds made their home
She was bundled tight in a long leather coat Mercury had produced for her She wore another skirt, but only because he had taken her jeans away from her when she went to dress
Not that Ria was a jeans person; she wasn’t Even her casual as mostly dresses Jeans were only used where a skirt or a dress couldn’t or wouldn’t apply She had to adht with her were the worst she owned, though They were her “persona” clothes, not her preferred attire
Today she wore one of the better outfits she had brought, however The skirt wasn’t bulky; it was soft cotton with a little flare at the knees, and the drab gray color didn’t detract fro-sleeved light sweater made her brown eyes seem darker, maybe a little bit prettier
Ria wasn’t big on her own looks She knew she was rather plain Her eyes were her best feature; they were thickly lashed and dark and matched her darker flesh, compliments of her father’s Puerto Rican-American roots
As she slid into the warainst her, Ria couldn’t help but think about the mother she barely remembered, the father she hadn’t known since his death while she was still an infant
She had been so alone that sometimes, over the years, she had ached at that loneliness Until Mercury Until he stepped forward and filled all those cold, empty places, and made her wonder how she had survived without him